Last update: 2021/04/27 20:10
Printed on 2022/07/28 09:15
Pin 20 is a “Status LED number 3”. If this signal is LOW, it indicates that PASS tried to extinguish
light from coming out of the projector, but that the PASS light detector still detected light output.
This would occur if a PCAOM or Laser Diode Driver continued to output light after being told not to.
This would also occur if the “Minimum light level” adjustment of PASS is not set correctly. And
finally, this might also occur if PASS did not detect light coming out of the computer even though
the computer commanded light output. This would indicate either a laser failure or light detector
Note that unlike the other LED outputs on the control panel connector, the “Status LED” outputs will
“latch” in the event that a fault is detected. They will remain in the latched state until a Manual Reset
occurs. This allows you to determine the cause of any detected faults.
The “Status LED” signals may be routed through a resistor to an LED on the control panel to give an
indication of any faults that have been detected.
PASS Power and X-Y position signal connections
PASS monitors the power supplies that feed the scanner amplifiers. This voltage can be b/-20
volts and +/- 30 volts. The manor in which you connect PASS to the power supply and to the scanner
amplifiers depends heavily upon whether you are using two separate single-axis scanner amplifiers, or
one dual-axis scanner amplifier.
If you are using two separate single-axis scanner amplifiers, the recommended connections are shown