Pluto User Manual v1.38
Page 24 of 66
In this example, the GUI is controlling Head A and Head B
of the same Pluto unit.
Hint: this is particularly useful when balancing 2 cameras.
3.6.3 Stereo Mode
For Stereoscopic monitoring, the Pluto
can multiplex 2 synchronous (left /
right eye) 422 inputs. From the
drop down menu select one of
the following options as required.
- Side by Side
- Horizontal Wipe (with Slider control)
- Right minus Left
- Left minus Right
- Chequerboard (with Slider control)
- Anaglyph (4 types)
Additionally, the 2 x 4:2:2 Outputs
(labelled C1 & D1 or Out A & Out B)
can be changed independently (by
changing either Output A or Output B).
In Stereo mode, LUT slots can be applied independently to the Left and Right eye
signals. To do this, go back to the Pluto Tab.
Now, alongside the Slot names, an arrow cursor
will appear. left-click on the arrow to toggle it
between left (
), right (
) and left&right
With one of these modes selected double click on
the Slot name to apply it to the side selected.
Once applied the slot name will appear in the
corresponding colour.
Pandora Technology
United Kingdom
October 2013