Х 5 socket (main socket):
• Wire «1» (White) (Tachometer input)
— analog input of the tachometer signal, it connects to
the tachometer wire or to the signal wire of a nozzle, which provide stable pulses of any polarity cor-
responding to the RPM.
• Wire«2» (Red-black) (CH5)
— Factory setting is ‘Beeper’. A negative output of additional chan-
nel with maximum load current 200mA. This output is multipurpose, it can operate in accordance with
selected logic.
• Wire«3» (Orange-white) (CAN1-High)
— It connects to appropriate CAN-High wire of the car.
• Wire«4» (Yellow-white) (CAN2-High)
— It connects to appropriate CAN2-High wire of the car.
• Wire«5» (Gray) (СН1/INP1)
— Factory setting is ‘Door trigger. This wire connects to a wire that
becomes grounded when the door opens. This wire is multipurpose, it can operate as input and as
output in accordance with selected logic.
• Wire«6» (Green) (СН4/INP4)
— Factory setting is ‘Control turn indicators’. This wire connects to
the hazard flashers button. A negative output of additional channel with maximum load current 200mA.
This wire is multipurpose, it can operate as input and as output in accordance with selected logic.
• Wire«7» (White-Blue) (INP5)
— Factory setting is ‘Brake pedal’. This wire connects to the brake pedal
trigger where 12V voltage appears when the pedal is pressed (stop lights wire). Brake pedal signal is one of
the system’s security zones. This input is multipurpose, it can operate in accordance with selected logic.
• Wire«8» (Black) (Ground)
— It should be connected to the car body in a grounding spot. This
wire should be connected FIRST during installation.
• Wire«9» (Blue) (CH2/INP6)
— Factory setting is free output. A negative output of additional
channel with maximum load current 200mA. This wire is multipurpose, it can operate as input and as
output in accordance with selected logic.
• Wire«10» (Brown-White) (INP3)
— Factory setting is ‘Front hood and trunk trigger’. This wire
connects to appropriate wire that becomes grounded when the front hood opens. This input is multi-
purpose, it can operate in accordance with selected logic.
• Wire«11» (Orange-black) (CAN1-Low)
— It connects to appropriate CAN-Low wire of the car.
• Wire«12» (Yellow-black) (CAN2-Low)
— It connects to appropriate CAN2-Low wire of the car.
• Wire«13» (Blue-Black) (CH3)
—Factory setting is ‘Blocking N.O.’. This output is used to control
blocking relay with a normally open logic (it becomes grounded when switching on the ignition and
security system is not armed). A negative output of additional channel with maximum load current
200mA. This output is multipurpose, it can operate in accordance with selected logic.
• Wire«14» (Yellow) (INP2)
— Factory setting is ‘Ignition’. This wire connects to ignition switch or to
appropriate wire where 12V voltage appears when ignition is switched on. This input is multipurpose, it
can operate in accordance with selected logic.
• Wire«15» (Purple) (Siren)
— It connects to siren control wire (+) (maximum load current is 2A).
• Wire«16» (Red) (Power 12V)
— It should be connected to reliable conductor with con-
stant voltage of 12V.
Х 6 Socket (Relay module):
• Wire«1» (Blue) (CH6)
— Factory setting is ‘Blocking N.O.’. This output is used to control blocking
relay with a normally open logic (it becomes grounded when switching on the ignition and security
system is not armed). A negative output of additional channel with maximum load current 200mA. This
output is multipurpose, it can operate in accordance with selected logic
• Wire«2» (Orange) (CH7)
— Factory setting is ‘ACC’. The channel is used to control accessories. If
‘Car with START/STOP button’ setting is enabled, the channel will control brake pedal during remote or
automatic engine start. A negative output of additional channel with maximum load current 200mA.
This output is multipurpose, it can operate in accordance with selected logic.
• Wire«3» (Brown) (CH8)
— Factory setting is ‘Ignition’. This output is used to switch on ignition.
It allows implementing automatic engine start, turbo timer, ignition support and connecting to igni-
tion in series (incut). If ‘Car with START/STOP button’ setting is enabled, the channel will operate in im-
pulse mode to control the button. A negative output of additional channel with maximum load current
200mA. This output is multipurpose, it can operate in accordance with selected logic.
• Wire«4» (Green) (CH9)
— Factory setting is ‘Bypass’. Output activates during remote or automatic