1. [ ] - Factory Default
2. The contents of the Function Parameter List may vary depending on the destination’s regulations.
3. “ * ” mark will be shown on the left side of number when setting was changed from default.
Function Parameter List (Sample)
************* -FUNCTION PARAMETER- ************* DATE MMM-dd-yyyy ***** TIME 12:07 ***P.02
Note:The power must be reset for the new parameter settings to take effect.
******************************** -PANAFAX UF-790- ****** -12345678901234567890- ***********
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130 BUSY-ACK TIMING:[In Busy] In Busy
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131 CMD RCV GRD TIMER:[3min] 3min
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132 PRT DATA TIMER:[3min] 3min
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133 COLLATION(PRT):[Off] Off
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134 COLLATION (PC):[Auto] Auto
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