Save Image
Up to 16 captured images can be stored by increasing the number of cycle buffers
memory. Set number of cycle buffer memory is the number of storable images.
a=1-16 Specifies number of cycle buffer memory.
MAXIMG=1[CR] (*)
*: Default
5.3.1 Save Preprocessed Image
Selects an image to save from the 2 images captured before or after
preprocessing. (This function is only valid for latest images)
Saves captured images (Raw images)
IMGSEL=1[CR] (*)
Saves decoded images (*)
*: Default
5.3.2 Overwrite save
When the number of save images exceeds the cycle buffer memory’s, the oldest
image will be overwritten.
5.3.3 Preparation for transmitting the saved image
The saved image whose preparation of transmission is completed can be
transferred to the host using the “Configurator LP-ABR” software.
-When the Camera Control Mode is other than Table Mode:
a=0 to 16
0: Prepares to transfer the latest image
1 to 16: Prepares to transfer an image saved in specified cycle
buffers memory.
-When the Camera Control Mode is Table Mode:
b=0 to 8
0: Prepares to transfer the latest image
1 to 8: Prepares to transfer an image taken in table No. (b)