Transferring pictures automatically
[Smart Transfer]
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Transfer recorded images to a PC, an AV device or a Cloud Folder automatically.
•When [Auto Transfer] is set to [ON], the camera automatically uploads recorded
pictures. For this reason pictures may be uploaded unintentionally if, for example, you
share this unit with other people. Panasonic assumes no responsibility for any damages
caused by uploaded images.
•Panasonic assumes no responsibility for any damages caused by the use of [Smart
•Electromagnetic waves from the camera can affect instruments and meters. In airplane
cabins, hospitals, etc., set [Airplane Mode] to [ON].
What you can do with [Smart Transfer]
[Auto Transfer]
Transfers pictures automatically while charging.
[Transfer Now]
Transfers pictures instantly to the specified transfer destination.
[Set Destination]
Changes transfer destination and settings of pictures.
[Charge Priority]
Sets whether charging or transfer is prioritized.
[Display Log]
Displays the date and result of pictures transferred automatically.