Aquarea air / water heat pump – design handbook 07 / 2014
Products, functions and technical data
Aquarea Heat Pump cylinders
The Aquarea HP cylinder is an unvented hot water storage cylinder fitted
with two high efficiency internal primary heat exchangers especially
designed for use with heat pump systems. These two heat exchangers
must be connected in parallel to the heat pump circuit when a solar ther-
mal system is not installed, as shown below. When both heat pump and
solar thermal systems are installed, the top heat exchanger is connected
to the heat pump circuit and the bottom heat exchanger is connected to
the solar circuit as shown below.
All Aquarea HP cylinders are fitted with 3 kW (230 Vac, 50 Hz) immersion
heater for raising the temperature of the stored water to above 50/60 °C
after the heat pump heating cycle (if necessary). The Aquarea HP remote
controller will boost when required and control sterilisation on a weekly
basis. Please refer to the heat pump manual for further details.
1. All Aquarea HP cylinders are suitable for both open vented and sealed
primary systems. Minimum 5 m H
O working pressure.
2. When used with a sealed primary heating system, the heat pump
must incorporate its own over heat thermostat.
3. Aquarea HP cylinders must not be used with solid fuel boilers or
steam as the heat source.
4. Heat pumps can normally only heat the domestic hot water to between
45 – 50/60 °C. The Aquarea heat pump remote controller will operate
a cylinder sterilisation on a weekly basis. See heat pump manual for
further details.
5. The cold supply elbow c/w drain tapping must be fitted. A flexible hose
can then be connected to the drain tapping and providing the hose
runs below the lowest level of the cylinder, then all the water content
can be drained out by the symphonic action.
The Aquarea HP Slimline cylinder is an unvented hot water storage
cylinder fitted with a 3 m² high efficiency coil. The coil has a low pressure
loss due to it being a multiple pass coil which enable high flow rates to
be achieved through it. In addition due to the coil being corrugated the
heat transfer rate is higher than that of plain tube coil.
The cylinder has been specifically designed for heat pump applications.
It incorporates an immersion heater at the base of the unit which ena-
bles pasteurisation of the water.
This should be done on a regular basis in line with HWA guidance.
The Aquarea heat pump controller handles this operation.
It has been designed on a slimline basis to enable it to fit into tighter
locations .
Aquarea Heat Pump (HP)
Important notes
Aquarea Heat Pump (HP)
Slimline models