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Aquarea air/water heat pump – Installation manual for monobloc and split systems C, D and E series 05 / 2014
Hydraulic installation for monobloc systems
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6 Hydraulic installation for monobloc systems
The work can only be performed by qualified or certified personnel .
Follow these instructions to prevent damage to the monobloc unit and
the other components of the system:
• Flush the pipelines before connecting the device, to remove impurities .
Impurities can damage the components of the device .
• Ensure that the components installed in the wet circuit can withstand
high operating water pressures . Use only suitable sealants which can
withstand the pressure and temperature of the system .
• Never use worn pipes .
• Do not use a pipe wrench to mount the connections . Use two
adjustable wrenches to tighten the connection .
There must be at least 50 litres (for 12 .0 to 16 .0 kW devices) or 30 litres
(for 3 .0 to 9 .0 kW single fan deck) of liquid in the system . If these values
are not reached, an additional storage tank must be installed .
The standard expansion tank can be used for heating systems with a to-
tal water quantity in the system of less than 200 litres (without a hot-water
tank) and a static system height of no more than 7 metres (difference of
the highest point of the system to the expansion tank) .
If the total water quantity is greater than 200 litres or greater static
heights are required, pressure retention must be ensured via an expan-
sion tank to be installed by the customer . In general, the pressure level
of the pressure relief valve must be observed . See the technical details
for the pressure level, to a maximum of 3 bar .
Aquarea heat pumps may only be installed as sealed systems without
direct contact of the heating water to the ambient air .
The monobloc units feature an expansion tank as standard (approx .
10 litres of air capacity, initial pressure of 1 bar) . By contrast, the mini
monobloc units WH-MDF06E3E5 and WH-MDF09E3E5 with heating
capacities of 6 and 9 kW have an expansion tank with only 6 litres of
volume . Accordingly, these devices can only be used for heating systems
with a total water quantity in the system of under 150 litres .
See the design handbook for split systems and monobloc systems for
connection variants .