Section 5
Module 40/60/90/120
In the
synchronized mode with encoder,
this parameter
influences the relationship between the speed measured
by the encoder and the label delivery speed. High values
of P00 correspond to high label delivery rates. In the case
of the rotary labeling unit, if the encoder is installed in the
standard manner (i.e. with a gear having a primary
diameter of 100 mm that is driven by the machine’s central
gear whose diameter corresponds to the primary diameter
of the plates), the P00 parameter can be specified
considering the values given in the table below (which are
for guidance only) as the initial test values.
The table is not suitable for use in the case of bottles
rotating around their own axis.
The minimum value of P00 is 0; the maximum value is 255.
constant speed mode,
the P00 parameter enables
you to adjust the speed of the label, inputting the value
directly, expressed in mm per second. The setting
must come between 10 and 2000.
P01 – START delay
The meaning of this parameter depends on the chosen
speed adjustment mode; the machine can be
configured to function in synchronized mode (with
encoder) or in constant speed mode (without encoder).
In the
synchronized mode with encoder,
the P01
parameter specifies the number of encoder pulses by
which the photocell’s Start signal is “delayed”.
Increasing the P01 parameter equates to moving the
point where the label is attached further forward. Bear
in mind that, in standard encoder installation
conditions, 1 mm corresponds to approximately 125
encoder pulses.
If you set an excessively high value for P01, the
machine may deliver a label on alternate bottles; if this
is the case, you need to reduce the value of P01.
Minimum value: 256. Maximum value: 4000.
constant speed mode,
the parameter P01
corresponds to a time delay. The amount of this delay
is expressed in units corresponding to 0.25
milliseconds. For instance, if the parameter is set at
1000, the delay will amount to 0.25 seconds.
Minimum value:1. Maximum value: 10000.
P02 – STOP delay
The parameter P02 establishes by how many motor
steps to delay the stoppage of the label. Increasing the
value of P02 has the effect of increasing the length of
the protruding part of the label on the label detaching
blade. Bear in mind that a motor step on the Module 60
unit equates to 0.25 mm, while a step on the Module
90 unit equates to 0.34 mm.
If you set an excessively high value for P02, the
machine may deliver two labels at a time instead of
one, in which case you need to reduce the value of
Minimum value: 1. Maximum value: 2000
P03 - Max label steps
The P03 parameter indicates the maximum number of
motor steps to count during the delivery of the label. If
the step counter exceeds the value of P03 during the
delivery of the label, the process is stopped and the
“Step alarm” is tripped. To set this parameter correctly,
you must first run a few tests using the TEST button,
making a note of the motor steps indicated on the
display. You can then set the parameter P03 as the
maximum value recorded during the test, plus 20 to
prevent any false alarms.
Minimum value: 20. Maximum value: 2000
P04 – Stop photocell light
The parameter P04 adjusts the luminous intensity
used by the Stop photocell. This parameter only takes
effect on the manufacturer’s standard photocells, it
does not work with other commercially-available
photocells. The factory-set value is 90, but if you use a
very dense backing paper, it may be necessary to
increase this value; vice versa, if you use a translucent
backing paper with pale labels, it may be necessary to
reduce the value of P04.
The luminous intensity can also be adjusted
automatically as follows:
– insert a piece of backing paper in the photocell’s
groove, or remove the label currently under the
– input a value of 0 (zero) for the parameter P04 and
confirm by pressing Enter.
Minimum value: 0. Maximum value: 250
P00 for
Module 90
P00 for
Module 60
0 – 50 mm
165 – 172
207 – 215
50 – 100 mm
172 – 180
215 – 222
100 – 150 mm
180 – 188
222 – 230
150 – 200 mm
188 – 195
230 – 238