MF-230 Troubleshooting & Web UI Configuration Guide v1.0
It is the Internet Protocol that is allowed to be Port Forwarded in
the Incoming data of the LAN Side.
Tick this if you want to Enable this Port Forwarding Rule
Click on this if you want to Delete this Port Forwarding Rule
Insert another row of Port Forwarding Rules
To Save the Port Forwarding Rule or to Save the changes that
has been done. After this, you will need to reboot your router.
Make sure that the intended computer has turned OFF any Firewall programs
and allow the Ports that have been set in the router’s Port Triggering rule.
A Port can only be used by one program at a time. This means that you can only
use Port 500 on one computer with the router at a time. Using Port 500 on two
computers at the same time would violate the one program rule, and your data
would get messed up.
Make sure you know and set the correct Ports for “Triggering Port” and
“Forwarding Port” in your Port Triggering rule as this is always the common
The Port that you set for Port Triggering is constantly sending data out to WAN.
The length of time that the router keeps those Ports open needs to be taken into
account. If the router times out between the gaps of outgoing data to WAN, the
Port Forwarding connection will be severed.
EXAMPLE: What happens when you are trying to download a very large file? The router
that you have set up with Port Triggering may not keep sending data out of the trigger
Port. When that happens, the router closes the incoming Ports, and your download is