MF-230 Troubleshooting & Web UI Configuration Guide v1.0
e) Laptop’s Power Saving Schemes when running on Battery
Laptops tend to have those power saving schemes so that the laptop can last longer
when running on battery only. The laptop will dim down the brightness of the laptop
display screen, lower down the laptop’s WiFi transmitting power and shutting down or
lowering down power of other functions.
Troubleshooting steps:
In order to isolate the issue that it’s not our MF-230 product issue or WiMAX
issue, it is advisable to ask the customer when experiencing slow, intermittent or
bad internet browsing experience, are they using a laptop and if yes, are they
running on battery.
If the above are all yes, ask the customer to go to “Start -> Control Panel ->
System -> Hardware” Click “Device Manager”