6.2 Change of supply and return pipe
On delivery, the supply pipe of the “Regumat M3-
180” DN 25 is on the right hand side. Depending on
the confi guration of the heating system, the supply
and return pipes may have to be swapped.
The following three steps need to be performed to
swap the supply and return pipe:
Retrofi t the two risers
Modifi cation of the actuator
Modifi cation of the three-way mixing valve
The following three chapters provide step-by-step
instructions on how to change the supply and return
6.2.1 Swapping supply and return pipe
Remove the product group from the rear
insulation shell.
2. Loosen the collar nuts of the three-way mixing
valve with the help of a 52 mm spanner and
remove the mixing valve.
Remove the pump circuit and fl anged pipe from
the wall bracket.
4. Mount the pump circuit into the left hand side
of the wall bracket and the fl anged pipe into the
right hand side (illustr. 10).
Illustr. 11
Illustr. 12