Operating and Programming the Regusol Controller
Program Changes
The factory settings for the following displays are suitable for all solar domestic hot water heating. For more information
on these settings, read the control manual included with the Regusol 130.
“EM” limit collector temperature
Factory setting: 285
“OCX” system cooling
Factory setting: OFF
“OCN” Minimum collector limitation
Factory setting: OFF
“OCF” antifreeze function
Factory setting: OFF
The settings for the following displays are as follows.
“LANG” language
Factory setting: En (english)
“UNIT” Temperature in degrees
Factory setting: FAH (fahrenheit)
“OREC” option recooling
Factory setting: OFF
“O TC” tube collector special function
Factory setting: OFF
“OHQM” heat quantity balancing
Factory setting: OFF
Controllers program
This indicates the program version