Figure 1. Osstell ISQ Instrument
1. Display
2. Blue LED Light
3. Operating Keys
4. Measurement Probe
5. Charger
6. PC USB Cable
7. Test Peg
Figure 2. Performing a Measurement
Figure 3. SmartPeg and SmartPeg-Mount
Figure 4. Instrument Display
8. ISQ value
9. Memory Position
10. Time and Date of Measurement
11. Battery Status
Figure 5-11. PC installation
ISQ is a portable, handheld instrument that involves the use of the noninvasive technique,
Resonance Frequency Analysis for measuring dental implant stability. The system includes the use
of a SmartPeg™ attached to the dental implant or abutment by means of an integrated screw. The
SmartPeg is excited by a magnetic pulse from the measurement probe on the handheld instrument.
The resonance frequency, which is the measure of implant stability, is calculated from the response
signal. Results are displayed on the instrument as the Implant Stability Quotient (ISQ),
which is scaled from 1 to 100. The higher the number, the greater the stability.
Indications for Use
ISQ is indicated for use in measuring the stability of implants in the oral cavity and cranio-
facial region. Osstell
ISQ can add important information to the evaluation of implant stability and
can be used as part of an overall treatment evaluation program. The final implant treatment decisions
are the responsibility of the clinician.
The Osstell
ISQ should not be used in the presence of explosive or combustible materials. The instru-
ment probe emits magnetic pulses with peak strength of 20 Gauss, 9 mm from the tip. To avoid inter-
fering with other equipment, the probe should not be held in close proximity to electronic devices. To
maintain a high level of safety, the power supply designed specifically for the Osstell
ISQ must be used
when charging the instrument batteries. Additional power supplies must be ordered directly from
Osstell or your local distributor.