ALLG./BA SEITE 2 / 9300-GB
Important information concerning
Product Liability.
According to the laws governing product liability, the manufacturer and
dealer are obliged to hand the operating manual to the customer at the time
of sale, and to instruct them in the recommended operating, safety, and
maintenance regulations. Confirmation is necessary to prove that the
machine and operating manual have been handed over accordingly.
For this purpose,
document A
is to be signed and sent to Pöttinger,
document B
remains with the dealer supplying the machine,
- and the customer receives
document C
In accordance with the laws of product liability, every farmer is an
According to the laws of product liability, property damage is damage
caused by a machine and not to it. An excess of Euro 500 is provided for
such a liabilioty.
In accordance with the laws of product liability, entrepreneurial property
damages are excluded from the liability.
Should the customer resell the machine at a later date, the
operating manual must be given to the new owner who must then be
instructed in the recommended regulations referred to herein.
Dear Farmer
You have just made an excellent choice.
Naturally we are very happy and wish to
congratulate you for having chosen Pöttinger.
As your agricultural partner, we offer you quality
and efficiency combined with reliable servicing.
In order to assess the spare-parts demand for
our agricultural machines and to take these
demands into consideration when developing
new machines, we would ask you to provide us
with some details.
Furthermore, we will also be able to inform you
of new developments.