Method of control via Modbus protocol
4.13 Detection of communication errors
This function detects abnormalities that may occur during RS-485 communication. The abnormalities that can be
detected include communication errors, alarms and warnings.
Communication errors
A communication error history will be saved in the RAM. The communication error can be checked using the
“Communication error history” command via RS-485 communication.
The communication error history is cleared when the driver power is turned off.
Type of communication error
RS-485 communication error
84h A transmission error was detected.
Refer to "No response" on p.14.
Command not yet defined
88h An exception response (exception code 01h, 02h) was detected.
Refer to p.15.
User I/F communication in progress
89h An exception response (exception code 04h) was detected.
Refer to p.15.
Non-volatile memory processing in progress
Outside setting range
8Ch An exception response (exception code 03h, 04h) was detected.
Refer to p.15.
Command execute disable
8Dh An exception response (exception code 04h) was detected.
Refer to p.15.
Alarms and warnings
If an alarm is generated, the ALARM-OUT output is turned OFF to stop the motor. At the same time, the ALARM
LED will start blinking.
If a warning is generated, the WNG output is turned ON. The motor will continue to operate. Once the cause of the
warning is removed, the WNG output will be turned OFF automatically.
The warning history is cleared when the driver power is turned off.
Communication switch setting error (alarm code 83h)
If No.4 of the communication function switch (SW2) is set to ON, an alarm is generated.
RS-485 communication error (alarm/warning code 84h)
The table below shows the relationship between alarms and warnings when a RS-485 communication error
Description of error
A warning will be generated when a RS-485 communication error is detected once.
If normal reception occurs while the warning is present, the warning will be cleared automatically.
An alarm will be generated when a RS-485 communication error has been detected consecutively
by the number of times set in the “Communication error alarm” parameter.
RS-485 communication timeout (alarm code 85h)
If communication is not established with the master after an elapse of the time set with the "Communication time
out" parameter, an alarm will be generated.