• Masking tape
• Isolation sheet
• Subfloor marking tool
• Felt tipped marking pen
• File
• Raised Floor Kit
The procedure for preparing raised flooring is highly site specific. For more information, refer to the
site specific specification as per the Method Of Procedure (MOP) for the particular installation.
Warning: Before drilling holes in any flooring, verify with facilities personnel that the
area will support a loaded cabinet and is free of gas or water pipes, ventilation ducts,
electrical wiring conduits, or any other items that may be damaged. If the hole is drilled
at an angle the anchor and cabinet will not come together properly. After marking anchor
locations, remove the tiles and take them to an approved location for drilling. Do not
drill tiles in the equipment area.
Procedure — Prepare Raised Floor for Anchors
1. On the raised floor mark the corners of the tiles so that the same tile will be returned to the same
place when the job is complete. Mark the spot to be drilled, and remove the tiles from the equipment
2. Drill a 1-inch (2.54 cm) diameter hole in the tiles corresponding to the marked anchor locations.
Use a vacuum cleaner to collect the shavings while drilling.
3. Use a file to remove any sharp edges or protrusions from metal parts if applicable and vacuum.
4. Return to the equipment area and replace the tiles, making sure the holes match, where the cabinet
will be installed.
5. Insert the subfloor marking tool into the anchor holes, making sure that the tool is perpendicular
with the hole. If the hole is drilled at an angle, the anchor and cabinet will not come together
properly. With a hammer, tap the head of the star bit with enough force to mark the concrete floor.
Repeat this step for each hole of the cabinet.
6. Remove the floor tiles for access to the concrete floor.
7. Clean out each hole after the drilling is complete.
Procedure — Drill Cable Holes
Mark holes and remove tiles from the equipment area, using a carbide-toothed hole saw of the
appropriate diameter. Drill any cable holes required in the raised floor tiles. Replace tiles in the
original tiles location.
Procedure — Cabinet Anchoring
This section describes how to anchor a cabinet on a raised floor. Use
Figure 24: Raised Floor Anchor
identify the parts of the raised floor anchor as you follow the procedure.
910-5681-001 Revision E, February 2014
Cabinet Installation