Figure 17 Scope hook attachment
1 Vertical rail at back of rack
2 Rack unit (RU) 32
3 Scope hook
4 Bottom holes for each unit
5 RU 31
In the preceding figure, two labeled rack units, 31 and 32, are shown at the
back of the rack.
● The bottom of unit 31 is just out of sight below its bottom hole.
● The scope hook is one-and-a-half units above the bottom of the rail.
● When you place the hook in the middle of unit 32, the bottom of the
rail lines up with the bottom of unit 31.
● A 2U Pilot rail would fill units 31-32 in the preceding illustration.
2 At the front of the rack, slide the rail scopes until the rail reaches the holes
at the front.
The rail flange goes in front of the rack mount holes, and the four-hole
spacer bar goes behind, as shown in the figure in the next step.
Chapter 2 Set Up the Rack
About Component Placement