● EN 61000-3-3
● EN 61000-4-2 ESD:±4 kV contact,±8 kV air touch
● EN 61000-4-3 Radiated immunity (within the limits that are listed in
our technical specifications)
● EN 61000-4-4 Electrical fast transients/burst:±1 kV AC,±0.5 kV I/O
● EN 61000-4-5 Surges ±1 kV differential mode,±2 kV common mode
● EN 61000-4-6 Conducted immunity: 3V
● EN 61000-4-8 PFMF
● EN 61000-4-11 Supply dips and interruptions: 30% and 100%
System Packaging and Transportation
Packaging meets the following requirements:
● For packages under 150 lb—International Safe Transit Association (ISTA
2A) Procedures 1 and 2.
● For packages over 150 lb—Network Equipment Building System (NEBS)
core standards.
GR-63-CORE, Packaged Equipment Shock (4.3.1), Office Vibration (4.4.3)
and Transportation Vibration (4.4.4).
System Warranty
Hardware components in a Pillar Axiom 600 system are covered by a three-year
Note: The hardware and software warranty for all Pillar Axiom 600 products
applies to the system, not to individual components like Slammers and Bricks
within the system. Slammers and Bricks that are later added to expand a Pillar
Axiom 600 system are warranted to fall within the same renewal cycle as the
Pillar Axiom 600 system.
Appendix C Pillar Axiom Hardware Specifications
About Pillar Axiom 600 Hardware Specifications