Following are some basic guidelines when using Mail Merge. Refer to Help or the Manual
for more detailed instructions.
Working with Mail Merge in Word:
Creating any type of mail merge document involves merging themain document with a
data source. A data source contains the information that changes. Merge fields, which
are inserted into the main document, instruct Word where to print information from the
data source. When you merge the documents, Word replaces merge fields with informa-
tion from the data source. The data source can be set up in Word or other applications,
including Microsoft Excel and Access, can be used to retrieve and store data. Refer to the
user Manual for that particular application for additional information. Working with Mail
Create the main document (template file) in Word. This file should be set up with the
font, positioning, and point size required for the job.
Note: The page size set up in Word must be the same as Page Size in the Foil Xpress
Direct Printer Driver. Follow the instructions included in this Manual to set up the
page size in the driver that matches this job. Once set up, this size will always be an
available option.
Once the main document (template file) is set up, use the Mail Merge Wizard to complete
the mail merge process.
Step 1:
Under Tools, select “Letters and Mailings - Mail Merge Wizard” Select “Letter” under type
of document
Step 2:
Select “Use Current Document” (the document just created above) At the bottom, select
“Next: Select Recipients”
Step 3:
Select, “Use an existing list” Select the file data file to be merged
Note: When selecting a file in the directory that is not a Word document, make sure
that “All files” is chosen under “Files of Type” Select Table Window will pop up - Select
Note: Make sure that all of the recipients you want to merge are checked.
Step 4:
Select “More Items” Insert Field that you want to merge from the database source
Step 5:
Preview your letters and complete the merge
Foil Xpress Direct
user guide