14.2.2. Register BOOT_VERSION
This register contains the bootloader firmware version for the microcontroller. This information is
encoded as a 16-bit unsigned number.
14.2.3. Register MCU_VERSION
This register contains the application firmware version for the microcontroller. This information is
encoded as a 16-bit unsigned number.
14.2.4. Register FPGA_VERSION
This register contains the FPGA firmware version. This information is encoded as a 16-bit unsigned
14.2.5. Register BOARD_VERSION
This register contains the board version. This information is encoded as a 16-bit unsigned number.
14.2.6. Register OSC_PERIOD
Bits [9:0] of this register contain the period of the internal oscillator. The information is expressed in
ms. Allowed values are in the range from 1000 (corresponding to 1 Hz) down to 10 (corresponding
to 100 Hz). Default value is 200 (corresponding to 5 Hz). Avoid operation with non-allowed values.
Bit field [15:10] of this register is unused. When writing these bits, they must be set to zero.
14.2.7. Registers FILTER_SEL[0:3]
Each bit field [2:0] of these four registers selects the time constant for filtering the relevant input
: filter setting for input TR1
: filter setting for input TR2
: filter setting for input TR3
: filter setting for input TR4
Allowed values are in the range from 0 to 6 and are listed below. Avoid operation with non-listed
When 0x0 filter is disabled (pass through) (default value)
When 0x1 filter is enabled with a 10 µs time constant
When 0x2 filter is enabled with a 20 µs time constant
When 0x3 filter is enabled with a 50 µs time constant
When 0x4 filter is enabled with a 100 µs time constant
When 0x5 filter is enabled with a 200 µs time constant
When 0x6 filter is enabled with a 500 µs time constant
Bit fields [15:3] of these registers are unused. When writing these bits, they must be set to zero.
14.2.8. Registers INPUT_SEL[0:7]
Each bit field [4:0] of these four registers is the selector of the relevant input multiplexer. Each input
multiplexer feeds the dedicated pulse generator.