4.1.2 Lens control
The first step to access all the functions of the AOL0223X is to enable the onboard
electronics: to do this, click on the ON/OFF button at the top of the page; if the lens is
switched ON, the ON/OFF button will turn green; otherwise, a grey button (default state)
indicates that the lens is OFF.
Before disconnecting the power supply, always remember to turn off the adaptive lens
by clicking the OFF button! This is the correct procedure to switch off the adaptive lens
The slider bar can be used to manually adjust the focusing of the lens.
This slider directly drives the output voltage applied to the piezoelectric actuator: the
dynamic range of the output voltage is 0-300V and the current value (in % value) is
displayed in the text box next to the slider.
Please note that the slider works as an “on-release” button: the voltage is applied to the
piezoelectric actuator when the mouse button is released.
Manual control is obviously disabled when the lens is OFF.
4.1.3 Automatic Test Loop