Version 1.0.1 - 2020-04-09
GU 5 | GU 5-H
Reasonably foreseeable misuse
The extraction unit has been designed as add-on device, fixing of machines on the surface is
not permissible.
Any use other than that specified under "Intended use" or any use beyond that described will be
deemed non-intended use and is not permissible.
Any other use must be discussed with the manufacturer.
Avoiding misuse
When commissioning the extraction unit, the efficiency must be checked. This includes a check
of the device parameters and the measurement of the hazardous substance pollution of air at
the work place. For particulate hazardous substances, the inspection of the device must be
repeated annually. For pure gaseous substances, the Ordinance on Hazardous Substances
requires an inspection every three years.
The extraction unit may only be operated using electrically conductive extraction hose and
Workplace limits
During activities on material-removing machines, amongst others, the general dust limit value
with regard to release of aluminium, aluminium hydroxide, aluminium oxide (except for
aluminium oxide fumes). iron (II) oxide, iron (II) oxide, graphite and magnesium oxide (except
for magnesium oxide fumes) must be considered according to TRGS 900. The limit value for
the alveolar fraction is 3 mg/m
and for the inhalable fraction, 10 mg/m
If there is a possibility that potentially toxic, highly toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic
substances are released, further protective measures are necessary according to §10 of the
German Ordinance on Hazardous Substances (Gefahrstoffverordnung, GefStoffV). In event of
reprotoxic substances, the maternity protection and parental leave ordinance (German
MuSchEltZV) must be observed.
Further requirements and information for ventilation of work places can also be found in the
German Occupational Safety Act,
Factory Safety Act,
ninth ordinance for the Device Safety Act (machine ordinance - 9 GSGV),
Ordinance on working premises
as well as
other national health and safety regulations, accident prevention regulations and generally
accepted rules of engineering.
Residual risk
When observing the operating instructions and the work processes listed therein, as well as
when observing the applicable safety guidelines by the operating personnel, it is assumed that
in normal operation that the extraction unit cannot pose a risk.
However, when extracting different substances it cannot be ruled out that these substances
cannot lead to an unforeseeable chemical reaction between each other.
If potentially explosive dusts are extracted, no ignition sources may be sucked in.
Have the extraction unit checked at regular intervals. Immediately eliminate all defects such as
loose connections, defective wires, etc.
A second person must be present during work on live components to disconnect the power in
the event of an emergency. Disconnect the extraction unit immediately if there is a malfunction
in the power supply!