Chapter 5: Call/Door Boxes
3. If the connection tests to your satisfaction, click Store Permanent to save the settings to
The Apply Temporary, Test Connection, and Store Permanent but-
tons will only be displayed if you have made changes to the profile.
The window’s information panel will summarize what you changed.
4. If you enabled the web interface with the DIP switch position 2:
a. After permanently storing the “default_infrastructure_profile”, set DIP switch pos-
ition 2 to OFF.
b. Power-cycle the call/door box.
5. Wait for at least one minute, then ping to test the wireless connection.
Resetting a Call/Door Box (WiFi or Wired)
1. Remove power from the call/door box.
2. Set the DIP switch position 2 to ON.
Refer to DIP Switch on page 56.
3. Power-on the call/door box.
This will reset the box to factory defaults. DIP switch settings are not affected.
4. Set the DIP switch position 2 back to OFF after the reset, or the box will continue to reset
every time it is powered on.
After resetting, you will need to power-cycle the call/door box.
5.4 Mounting the Hardware
Call/Door Box
13732-000 Rev J
LD Platform Peripherals Guide