LD Platform Peripherals Guide
13732-000 Rev J
4.4 Operation
In this mode, the center of the screen displays touch-sensitive dropoff buttons, indicating the
goals associated with them. If there are more buttons than can be displayed at once, a sliver of
the next row of buttons is shown, to indicate their existence. See Figure 4-8
Navigation of the center pane, when there are more buttons than can be displayed at one time,
is done by touching the screen, between buttons, and dragging the pane up or down.
The color and border of a dropoff button indicate the status of the associated job.
Ready (not selected) will be medium blue, with no border.
Planned (selected, Go has not been pressed) will be dark blue, with no border.
At this stage, you can de-select the goal or change its priority.
Requested (brief state between Go being pressed and job being scheduled by the queuing
manager) will have the same appearance as Planned.
At this stage, the selected dropoff goals have been sent to the queuing manager. The
goal can be canceled, and the priority can be changed.
Pending (scheduled by the queuing manager) will be dark blue with a medium blue bor-
At this stage, the job for this goal can be canceled, and the job priority can be changed.
In Progress (AMR is en route to this goal) will be dark blue with a green border.
At this stage, the job for this goal can be canceled, but the priority cannot be changed.
Interrupted (such as Stay being pressed or a fault occurring) will be dark blue with an
orange border.
At this stage, the job for this goal can be canceled, but the priority cannot be changed.
Completed or Canceled dropoff buttons will revert to Ready status.
Operators can use this pane for entering the goals where they want the AMR to go for
dropoffs, after leaving its current location.
Pressing a dropoff button and then Go requests that the AMR be sent to that goal. Pressing sev-
eral buttons in sequence, followed by pressing Go, requests that the AMR be sent to all of those
goals, in the order in which the dropoff buttons were pressed. The order may be altered by
assigning high-priority to any of the goals.
The number of buttons, the content of each button, and the goal associated with each button is
configured with the MobilePlanner software.
Goals will be serviced by the AMR in the order in which you press their buttons.
The selected dropoff goals are not sent to the queuing manager until you press Go. After
being received by the queuing manager, each goal is considered to be a job.
Pressing a Planned (selected) dropoff button will de-select it, without affecting other
Planned dropoff buttons.
Simply pressing a Pending or In-Progress goal button will not affect the associated job.
An explicit Cancel is required to cancel a job in either of those states.
Buttons will change appearance when you select/de-select them, change their priority,