LD Platform Peripherals Guide
13732-000 Rev J
6.4 Setup
1. Measure the X and Y distance from the center of the AMR (X = 0, Y = 0) to the center of
the camera (X = 0, Y = 0).
2. Measure the vertical distance from the floor to the plane of the camera’s sensor.
To measure this distance, measure from the floor to the top of the camera (not the top of
the lens) and subtract 17.5 mm.
Alternatively, measure from the floor to the top of the rectangular portion of the camera
and subtract 5.5 mm. Round all measurements to the nearest millimeter.
3. Enter the measured values in MobilePlanner > Config
Robot Physical > Acuity Camera Position
in the parameters CameraOffsetX, CameraOffsetY, and CameraOffsetZ.
If the camera is toward the front of the AMR it will have a positive X value. If it is
toward the rear of the AMR it will have a negative X value.
If the base is mounted per instructions, the camera will have its rear side, with threaded
holes for mounting it, Y of the AMR (the AMR‘s left side). This will result in a
CameraOffsetTh (theta) of 0. If this is not the case, then a theta offset must be applied.
For example, if the back of the camera is facing the rear of the AMR, the Cam-
eraOffsetTh will be 90, as a counter-clockwise rotation is positive.
4. Finally, measure the tilt of the camera with respect to the floor using the dual-axis
digital level that was included with the Acuity package.
The Acuity localization kit can be ordered without the level. In
such cases, it is assumed that you already received one kit WITH the
level, and will use that for multiple Acuity localization setups.
a. Bring the AMR to a level, hard floor. Do not use carpeted floor.
b. Place the digital level on the floor with the edge pressed against the right wheel
cover, buttons toward the front of the AMR, and the display facing straight up.
See the following figure.
c. Zero the level. (Press ZERO.)
The bubble on the display should be centered, and the values for X and Y tilt
should be near zero.