Processing Structure
This panel displays an overview of the entire processing structure for the selected channel and preset. (A quick
refresher—You can select a channel by clicking on it in the channel overview at the top of the window. All channels
with the same preset loaded will be selected simultaneously.)
In this example, we see that the “L/AES67” input is the source for the selected channel’s processing chain.
The “De-Esser” and “Pre-EQ” portions are greyed out, indicating that they are currently bypassed.
At the end of the chain, the output path is displayed. “Independent” indicates that this input is assigned to the
associated output (Input 1 to Output 1, etc). If the channel is assigned to one of the four mix buses, it will be
displayed here.
When running higher screen resolutions, metering and additional information about the selected channel’s preset
will be displayed as well.