Inputs (L/AES67)
Configures the L/AES67 AoIP input channels including channel naming, input mode, and channel
L/AES67 Auto Naming Mode
Name Mode
Determines the source for the name of each AoIP input. By default, the names are independent and will be config-
ured in the settings for each input. “Use Channel Name” will automatically name the AoIP input with the channel
name, and “Use Preset Name” will use the name of the preset loaded on that channel.
L/AES67 Stereo Input Mode
ULA L/R Mode
Controls the audio configuration for AoIP inputs. When set to “On both L&R”, audio from the incoming stream
is duplicated on both left and right channels. The result is essentially 8 mono AoIP input channels. When set to
“Separate L/R”, there are 4 stereo AoIP inputs. Behavior in this mode is similar to the AES inputs (AoIP input 1
Left will feed Channel 1, AoIP input 1 Right will feed Channel 2, and so on).
L/AES67 Input Configuration Note
The AoIP inputs can be configured in a number of different ways, supporting Livewire or AES67. Inputs can also be
configured to allow “split stereo” audio with separate L/R channels, or in mono with the same audio on both left
and right channels. The options displayed in these sections will change depending on how the “ULA L/R Mode”
and “LAN Mode” parameters are configured.