Source (Left/Right)
Selects the source applied to the channel’s AoIP output. Channel mappings for these settings will change depending
on how “ULA L/R Mode” is configured. When the AoIP channels are configured for stereo (Separate L/R), two
fields will appear—one for the left channel, and one for the right. These will map to even and odd mono source
channels correspondingly. When the AoIP channels are configured for mono (Same on both L&R), the mapping
should be 1:1, with the exception of the four AES digital inputs, which are always treated as “split” stereo.
Routes post-processor audio to the AoIP output.
Bus 1-4
Routes the selected mix bus to the AoIP output.
Input Repl.
Routes the selected
processor input
signal (analog, digital or ULA) to the AoIP output.
Analog Repl.
Routes the analog input directly to the AoIP output.
Digital Repl.
Routes the digital input directly to the AoIP output.
ULA Repl.
Routes the ULA (AoIP) input directly to the AoIP output.
This field is for configuring GPIO logic to AoIP networks and is not currently implemented.