What you can do:
Use freshly prepared detergent solution for each endoscope
Use channel cleaning adapters
Brush A / W nozzle
Rinse channels after detergent flushing
Suction Channel
Cuts / clogging
Sink / basin too small
Damaged / inferior brushes
Not using channel cleaning adapters
Over coiling of endoscope – impede brushing
What you can do:
Adequate sized sinks / basins
Prevent over coiling of endoscope
Remove damaged brushes – use only Olympus brushes
Use channel cleaning adapters
Rinse after detergent flush
Angulation Controls / Brakes
Stretched or Broken
Harsh manipulation with locks on
What you can do:
Reprocess endoscopes with locks off
Avoid harsh manipulation of insertion tube / bending section and control knobs
Fluid invasion
– Potentially fatal to scopes (water in the endoscope)
Water cap not attached
Water cap poorly attached,
Electronic components not dried properly,
Endoscope not dried properly
Undetected internal leak
Not leak tested
Split valves on control body not detected
What you can do:
Ensure endoscope correctly leak tested
Ensure endoscope correctly and thoroughly dried
Ensure water cap correctly attached
Remove light guide connector from water prior to removal of leak tester