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Page 13
- Prior to lifting Rafters onto Posts, Upper Rails in
Step 34
must be completed.
- Depending on the # of helpers you have available will determine how many rafters
can be attached to Skybox prior to lifting up. Our illustration shows 3 Rafters = 2 additional
Complete all Wind and Snow Load Rafter Bracket connections. Have your helper flip the Skybox over
and hold with brackets facing down. Locate a Corner Rafter and align notch down and “V” end to Skybox.
Slide Corner Rafter into bracket so bottom of rafter sits tight with bottom of bracket. The top of “V”
notch tips should sit even with the skybox ledge. The rafter “V” should be tight against the skybox.
When aligned correctly, screw from sides into the Rafter with 1 1/4” screws. Do both sides.
Notch on bottom
Flush with
“V” Notch in end
“V” Notch in end
From underneath, screw bracket and corner rafter together with 2 - 3” screws. With your helper
still supporting the Skybox/ Rafter Assembly, position and attach a second and third rafter as illustrated
Step 28.