Click [Create a password].
Enter the values of “C-3” in the columns of [Type
a new password] and [Type a new password
again to confirm], and click [Create Password].
To save data scanned by MC860 in the computer,
create a folder with the name of “C-5” on the
Setup Information Form.
Close the control panel.
Next, set up a folder to save data scanned by
MC860 in the computer.
Enter the value
of “C-3”.
Select the icon of the added user.
Select a folder created in the step
to open
[Sharing and Security].
Select the radio button for [Share this folder] in
Windows Firewall, and click [OK].
If the following screen is displayed, click
the section surrounded by the frame after
checking with the network administrator.
It is recommended that you create a folder
to save data in the local drive.
It is not recommended to create the folder
in the desktop or my document.