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Chapter 1 Troubleshooting
14) "Replacement" in the FIP indicates replacement of parts which are considered to be the source of
trouble. These parts are sometimes components of assemblies containing them, or of a higher-
level assembly. In such an instant, the higher-level assembly must be replaced.
15) In the FIP, the paper tray at the lower part of the printer is referred to as "Tray 1", and the second
tray as "tray 2", and the first tray of Option 550 Paper Feeder as “Tray 3”, and the second tray as
“Tray 4”.
16) Some checks in the FIP make decisions based on the availability or non-availability of Diagnostic
tools (maintenance tools). Troubleshoot accordingly using the instructions in the FIP.
17) Some checks in the FIP make decisions based on specifications. Troubleshoot accordingly using
the instructions in the FIP.