information includes (Fig. 71):
> Alpha graphic PLAN.
> Maximum Depth allowed and symbols MAX and FT (or M), if
set for a Nitrox dive.
> Symbols TIME and NDC (or O2).
> Dive Time allowed (for the FO2 set for GAS 1).
> Plan Depth values and symbol FT (or M).
> Symbol NITROX, if set for a Nitrox dive.
Refer to the charts on pages 139 and 140 for complete listings of No Decompression Limits
for Sea Level and Altitudes up to 14,000 feet (4,270 meters).
The Time to Fly counter begins counting down 10 minutes after surfacing from a dive from
23:50 to 0:00 (hrours:minutes).
Two hours after a dive, the ATOM's operation reverts to the Watch Local Default Time
screen (Main or Alternate, whichever one was selected as the Default screen) at which time
the Time to Fly Countdown continues in the background. Access to the FLY screen is then
gained by first accessing the Surface Mode screen.
• Pressing and releasing the A button 2 times momentarily (< 2 seconds each time) while
in the SURFACE MODE will access the FLY MODE (SURFACE > PLAN > FLY).
Fig. 71 - Plan Mode