If the theoretical amount of oxygen accumulated equals, or
exceeds, the limit for a single exposure, or the exposure limit for
a 24 hour period (300 OTU), Oxygen Dive Time Remaining
becomes zero (0:00) and the full O2 Bar Graph will be displayed
flashing (Fig. 104).
The red LED warning will flash, the Audible Alarm will sound
(unless set OFF), and the UP Arrow will appear flashing as a
warning until the level of oxygen decreases below the limit. The
graphic message UP > HIGH > O2 will scroll at the top of the
Also displayed will be the Transmitter Link icon, % of O2 Satura-
tion (80 then 100) with the graphic SAt, Current Depth, and Dive
Time Remaining as 0:00 with the symbols O2 and TIME.
• Press the S button to acknowledge/silence the alarm.
• Press the A button to view the Alternate #1 (Air Time Remain-
ing and Tank Pressure, Alternate #2 (O2 data), and Second-
ary (Temperature/Time) Displays.
• The unit will revert to the Main (Default) Display after 3
• Press the L button to activate the Backlight.
Refer to the chart on page 148 for NOAA O2 limits.
Fig. 104 - High O2 Alarm