PLAN MODE LEAD-IN information includes (Fig. 68):
> Graphic PLAN.
> PO2 Alarm Set Point and graphic PO2, if set for Nitrox.
> FO2 icon and FO2 Set Point for GAS 1.
> Tank 1 icon representing GAS 1.
> Symbol NITROX, if set for Nitrox.
Press and release the S button momentarily (< 2 seconds) to
access the first screen (30 FT/9 M) of the Pre Dive Planning
Sequence (PDPS).
PDPS information includes (Fig. 69):
> Plan Depth values and symbol F (feet) or M (meters).
> PO2 Alarm Set Point and graphic PO2, if set for Nitrox.
> Symbols TIME and NDC (or O2 if in control).
> Dive Time (HR:MIN) allowed for the FO2 set for GAS 1.
> Tank 1 icon representing GAS 1.
> Symbol NITROX, if set for a Nitrox dive.
> Maximum Depth allowed and symbols MAX and FT (or M).
Press and release the S button momentarily and repeatedly
(< 2 seconds each time) to increase the Planned Depth in
increments of 10 FT (3 M), displaying the information one
screen at a time.
Depressing and holding the M button for 2 seconds to
revert to the NORM SURF MAIN screen.
Fig. 68 - PLAN MODE
Fig. 69 - PDPS