Pressing and releasing the M button momentarily (< 2
seconds) while the TMT 2-3 USE screen is displayed (with
the setting BUD) will start a Search for BUDDY 1 (TMT 2)
displaying the graphics BUD and SEArCH (Fig. 113) for a
maximum of 5 seconds.
NOTE: No further button action is required. The
displays will change automatically, then revert
to the NORM DIVE MAIN Display
After 5 seconds, or less if BUD1 (TMT2) is acquired, the
BUD1 screen will appear displaying the graphics BUD1
and BUD 1's (TMT 2's) Pressure (Fig. 114), or the graphic
NotAvAil (Not Available), for 3 seconds.
After BUD 1's screen has been displayed for 3 seconds, the
BUD 2 screen will appear displaying the graphics BUD2
and BUD 2's (TMT 3's) Pressure, or the graphic NotAvAil
(Fig. 115), for 3 seconds.
NOTE: The graphic NotAvAil (Not Available)
indicates that the Buddy is out of range or the
ATOM's BUD 1 (or 2) setting does not match the
Serial Number of the TMT being checked.
After BUD 2's screen has been displayed for 3 seconds, the
screen will revert to the NORM DIVE MAIN Display.
Fig. 114 - BUDDY 1
Fig. 115 - BUDDY 2