e700 User Manual
1. Safety
• U.S. Federal Law restricts this device to sale by or on the order
of a physician.
• The ventilator shall only be used for the purposes specifi ed
under “Intended Use”.
• The ventilator should only be used by qualifi ed personnel
trained in its use.
• Strict adherence to all instructions contained within this manual
is essential for safe use.
• During use, the patient must be constantly monitored by
qualifi ed personnel.
• Alternate means of ventilation such as a manual resuscitator
must be available in case of power failure or malfunction.
• Keep away from open fl ames, sparks and grease/oil. To avoid
the risk of fi re or explosion this ventilator must not be used
with fl ammable gases or anaesthetic agents. Operating the unit
in a confi ned space will elevate ambient oxygen levels.
• The ventilation setting will turn off during battery replacement
while the device is in operational mode and the external power
supply is not connected.
• Only use O-Two specifi ed hoses, patient circuits, batteries
and external power supplies to avoid aff ecting the output
performance of the ventilator. Antistatic or conductive hoses
or tubing are not used in the Ventilator Breathing System.
• Unauthorized modifi cation of this medical device is prohibited.
Do not disassemble or modify any part of the ventilator except
where described in this manual. Any unauthorized disassembly
will void the warranty.
• Do not use this ventilator in toxic environments as entrainment
of ambient air during spontaneous breathing or air mix
mode may permit toxic gases to be delivered to the patient.