Figure 7. Security block
To simplify the start-up process, the plug-and-trust SE050 secure element is not implemented in this document.
However, it is provisioned and used in the EV Charging Station Development Platform User Manual.
The IoT and connectivity block, which is the Azure IoT central application, receives, stores, and displays telemetry from the
EasyEVSE into a dashboard after the EasyEVSE is provisioned succesfully.
The EasyEVSE telemetry consists of variables relative to the electric vehicle charge. The telemetry is continuously sent to the NXP
sample dashboard (EasyEVSE dashboard) several times per minute.
NXP Semiconductors
Solution overview
NXP EasyEVSE EV Charging Station Development Platform User Guide, Rev. 0, 18 March 2022
User Guide
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