mstconfig create_conf Command
The create_conf command assists in creating an NV configuration file that can be used for LifeCycle
and Secure Firmware Updates purposes. The flow for creating a configuration file is the same as the
flow for xml2bin. The user must provide the command with an XML file containing the required
configurations and their values. The command can sign the configuration file, if the user provides a
private key and UUID. The sign result will be appended to the end of the configuration file. If no
private key and UUID are provided, the tool will compute an SHA256 digest and append it to the
file. The generated signature will be used by the firmware for authentication purposes.
#mstconfig create_conf --private_key privatekey.pem --key_uuid
template.xml /tmp/nvconf.bin
Saving output...
mstconfig apply Command
The apply command can be used to apply the NV configurations files to the firmware using the apply
command. Only Firmware that supports applying configurations files can be used.
#mstconfig -d
apply /tmp/nvconf.bin
mstconfig Supported Configurations and Parameters
. PCI_BAR_SIZE refers to the PCI BAR size per function, either physical or virtual.
Currently the only supported NV configurations types are CS tokens, Debug tokens and MLNX
ID which are used for Secure Firmware Updates. Additionally, it supports two RSA keys of
2048 or 4096 bits length.
The NV configurations files must have the applicable_to configuration.
The list of MFT Supported Configurations and Parameters is available by running the
“mstconfig -d <device> show_confs”
Before setting the number of VFs in SR-IOV, make sure your system can support that number
of VFs. If your hardware and software cannot support that number, this may cause your
system to cease working. Therefore, mlxconfig protects the user by making sure that when
setting SR-IOV
parameters, for ConnectX-3 and ConnectX-3 Pro, the value of NUM_OF_VFS*PCI_BAR_SIZE
must not exceed 512. For 5th generation devices (Group II devices), however, the value is
dependent on the firmware. Also, NUM_OF_VFS must not exceed the limit defined by the
firmware (127 VFs upper bound). The same calculation applies to BAR size settings.