Jetson AGX Xavier Series Product
DG-09840-001_v2.5 | 14
Chapter 4.
Reference Design
The Jetson AGX Xavier Developer Kit Carrier Board design files are provided as a reference
design. This chapter describes details necessary for designers to know to replicate certain
features if desired. In addition, aspects of the design that are specific to the NVIDIA developer
kit usage but not useful or supported on a custom carrier board are also identified.
Most of the features implemented on the Jetson AGX Xavier Developer Kit carrier board design
can be duplicated by copying the connections from the P2822 carrier board reference design.
This following listed features have aspects that would require additional information.
Button Power MCU: The developer kit carrier board implements a button power MCU
(EFM8SB10F2G). This device is programmed with firmware that is available on the Jetson
Download Center. The posting is titled
Jetson AGX Xavier and Jetson Xavier NX Power
Button Supervisor Firmware
. The connections used on the reference design must be
followed exactly and the firmware provided must be used to ensure correct functionality.
USB Type C PD Controller: Designs that intend to follow the NVIDIA carrier board design
and include the Type C PD Controller (CYPD4226 - U513 on the P2822 carrier board) need
to replicate the circuitry on the latest carrier board exactly. The firmware binary is used to
program the Cypress CYPD4226 controller. The customer should get the flashing
instructions from Cypress. No support or source code is provided for this firmware. If
modifications or source code are required, Cypress should be contacted directly for
support. This firmware binary is released under the L4T firmware EULA.
DV/Dt circuit: A portion of the P2822 discharge circuit includes a means of detecting
when a sudden power loss has occurred. This DV/Dt circuit triggers when the input voltage
droops about 0.5V. The intent of the circuit is to provide as much time as possible to
discharge critical carrier board supplies before the module loses power in order to meet
power-down sequence requirements. This circuit is recommended but may need to be
tuned depending on the power supply characteristics and the power requirements of a
design. See Section 5.5
“Power Discharge” for details.