N1200HC Controller
The wires of the input signals must be disposed separated of the
power and outputs wirings, if possible, in grounded ducts.
All electronic instruments must be powered by a clean mains
supply, proper for instrumentation.
It is strongly recommended to apply RC'S FILTERS (noise
suppressor) to contactor coils, solenoids, etc.
In any application it is essential to consider what can happen when
any part of the system fails. The controller features by themselves
can not assure total protection.
The controller's internal circuits can be removed without undoing the
connections on the back panel.
The controller complete set of features is drawn in
Figure 1
Figure 1
- Connections of the back panel
Power Supply Connections
Observe the power
requirement for the
unit. of required power
Figure 2
– Power supply connections
Input Connections
Thermocouple (T/C) and 0-50 mV
Figure 3a
indicates the wiring for the thermocouple and 0-50mV
signals. If the thermocouple wires needs to be extended, use
appropriate compensation cables.
RTD (Pt100):
Figure 3b
shows the Pt100 wiring, for 3 conductors. For proper cable
length compensation, use conductors of same gauge and length).
For 4-wires Pt100, leave one conductor disconnected at the
controller. For 2-wire Pt100, short-circuit terminals 11 and 12.
T/C, 0-50mV
Figure 3a
- Connection of T/C, 0-
Figure 3b
- Connection of three wire
4-20 mA:
The connections for current signals 4-20 mA must be carried-out
according to
Figure 4a
Figure 4a
- Current connection
4-20 mA
Figure 4b
- Connection for 5 V and
10 V
5 V and 10 V
Refer to
Figure 4b
for connecting voltage signals.
Remote Setpoint
Feature available in the controller's terminals 9 and 10. When the
Remote SP input signal is 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA, an external
shunt resistor of must be connected to terminals 9 and 10 as
indicated in
Figure 4c
Figure 4c
- Connection for remote SP
Digital Input Connections
To use the I/O channels I/O 3, I/O 4 or I/O 5 as Digital Inputs connect
a switch (Dry Contact) at its terminals.
Figure 5a
– I/O3 a Digital Input
Figura 5b
– I/O5 a Digital Input
Connection of Alarms and Outputs
The I/O channels, when configured as outputs, must have their load
limit capacities observed, according to the product specifications.
Figure 6a
– I/ O3 or I/O4 with output
pulse for SSR.
Figure 6b
I/O5 with output pulse
for SSR.
The controller's front panel, with its parts, can be seen in the
Figure 7
Figure 7
- Identification of the parts referring to the front panel