Set Keyboard Range for a Zone
On the 49-key version of the SL MkIII, each Zone’s default range is C1 to C5 (all 49 notes), while on the 61-note ver-
sion of the device the default range is C1 to C6 (all 61 notes).
From a Menu
In Zones View the third and fourth knobs set the range of the Zone from lowest to highest key. This range is inclusive
of the low key and high key.
Zones Mode supports overlapping zones. Overlapping is useful if you want to blend sounds, such as a piano with a
synth, or an acoustic drum with a synthetic one. Of course, how you layer your Parts is up to you.
From the Keyboard
You can also set the range of a Zone using keys. After selecting Zones View, press and hold a Zone button below the
screen. You will then be prompted to choose a low key on the keyboard followed by a high key, thus setting the Zone
Set Octave/Transpose Settings for a Zone
In Zones View knobs fi ve to eight select whether the Zone will adhere to the overall keyboard Octave and Transpose
settings. Additionally, you can apply an Offset to the selected Zone with the Octave and Transpose parameters. By de-
fault, the Offset values are ‘0’, and both Follow settings are ‘On’.
Turn the knobs above the ‘Follow’ settings to select between ‘On’ and ‘Off’. When on, the Zone’s behaviour is infl u-
enced by the Octave and Transpose but-tons; when off it will not be affected by the Octave or Transpose buttons. Turn
the knobs above the Offset parameters to set a permanent Octave and Trans-pose shift for the selected Zone.
Enable/Disable Wheels for a Zone
On page 2 of Zones View, the fourth and fi fth knobs select whether the ‘Pitch’ (pitch bend) and ‘Modulation’ wheels
affect with the currently selected Zone. By default, they are both ‘On’. Rotate the knob above the respective settings
for Pitch and Modulation to turn the effect of these wheels on or off.
Enable/Disable Channel Pressure for a Zone
On page 2 of Zones View, the sixth knob selects whether keyboard channel af-tertouch (pressure) affects the currently
selected Zone. Aftertouch is on by de-fault. Turn the knob above ‘Channel Pressure’ to choose between on and off.
Enable/Disable Pedals for a Zone
On page 2 of Zones View, the fi rst, second and third knobs decide whether ex-pression pedal (‘Expr. Pedal’), sustain
pedal or footswitch signals will work with the currently selected Zone. All three of these options are set to ‘On’ by de-
fault. Turn the knobs above these settings to move between on and off states.
Содержание SL MkIII
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