vii. Shortcuts
Press the Options button followed by ‘Shortcut’ to access shortcuts. These include:
• Undo
• Redo
Count In
Toggle Logic’s count in on/off
• Metronome
Toggle Logic’s metronome on/off
The soft buttons above the faders control mute and solo for eight tracks. When you solo a track, the muted tracks will
flash on and off.
Record Arm/Input Monitoring
Press the down button to the right of the soft buttons (above the faders) to change the buttons from mute/solo to re-
cord arm/input monitoring.
x. Transport
The SL MkIII’s Transport buttons control Logic’s transport. These include:
Cycle on/off
E. Reason
Reason Setup
After starting Reason you can easily set up the SL MkIII. Connect the SL MkIII to your computer via USB, then go to
Preferences > Control Surfaces and click ‘the Auto-detect Surfaces’ button. A dialogue window with a progress bar
will ap-pear, and once the process is complete the SL MkIII will appear in the list. If ‘Use with Reason’ is checked, and
‘Novation SL MkIII SL MkIII From DIN 1’ is enabled, you should be ready to start controlling Reason with the SL MkIII.
ii. Overview
The SL MkIII can control all the Instruments, Effects and Utilities in a Reason Rack (see picture below), as well as
move between tracks.
iii. Instruments
Every time you load a new Instrument (and accordingly create a new MIDI track) the SL MkIII will automatically be
assigned to that Instrument.
Control Layout
With the SL MkIII’s InControl mode you can take advantage of the following features in Reason:
Track Left and Track Right buttons - Use these buttons to move between tracks in Reason’s Sequencer.
Rotary Knobs - These can modify various parameters for Instruments, Ef-fects, Utilities and Players. Active
knobs are displayed on the screens with parameter name and value.
Pads - The SL MkIII’s pads can control various parameters in Reason. When using the Kong Drum Designer
Instrument, pads select Kong’s indi-vidual drum sounds. The drum’s main parameters then appear on the
screens, and the rotary knobs can adjust those parameter values.
Содержание SL MkIII
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