Mount ing the ETM
Elec tron ics
Use the fol low ing pro ce dure and re fer to Fig ure 4 to mount the ETM elec tron ics
on the base plate. Make sure the con nec tor on the rear of the ETM elec tron ics fits
prop erly into the pig tail wir ing con nec tor on the base plate.
Align the mod ule over the mount ing posts and press onto the
base plate con nec tor as shown in Fig ure 4.
Use the screws and hex key pro vided in the hard ware kit to se cure
the mod ule to the posts.
Check ing In stal la tion
Turn on power to the ETM- 2040. Make sure that power to the HVAC equip ment
and its con trol cir cuitry is on. If the executive module is op er at ing prop erly, the
ETM be gins to con trol the HVAC equip ment in about 3 min utes (af ter
per form ing a self- diagnostic check and es tab lish ing com mu ni ca tions with the
executive module).
Out put Status In di ca tors
There are six out put status in di ca tors (in side the ETM case and visi ble through
the front grill) that show the status of each out put. The in di ca tor is lit when
the cor re spond ing out put is on.
DOC. #560075000 2/12/01
ETM-2040 Installation Instructions
Figure 4.
ETM electronics installation