Set the switches on the back of the elec tron ics with the cor rect ad dress from 00 to
63 (see Fig ure 3).
Ad dress 00 may
be used by the ETM when op er at ing
on an EC. (The IOM sec tion of the EC uses ad dress 00).
Re cord the set tings on the mod ule ad dress switch la bel on the back of the ETM
elec tron ics and on the la bel pro vided with the ETM base plate hard ware kit.
Ap ply the base plate la bel to the ETM base plate as shown in Fig ure 2.
The EP/2 executive module is de signed to ac cept mod ule ad dresses from 00 to
127 for any type of
mod ule. The EP/2 would require a Net work
Ex pander to com mu ni cate with ad dresses 64 through 127. Only unitary
controllers can be connected to the Network Expander. Ad dresses 64 through
127 are set us ing the same se quence of set tings shown in Fig ure 3, be gin ning
with ad dress set ting 64 be ing the same as ad dress set ting 00, etc. (The
Net work
Ex pander Mod ule In stal la tion In struc tions
[Doc. #560092000] pro vide more
in for ma tion about set ting the ad dresses from 64 through 127.) When con nect ing
ad di tional mod ules to the EP/2, do not ex ceed the their 128- input or 128- output
lim its.
DOC. #560075000 2/12/01
ETM-2040 Installation Instructions
Figure 3.
Setting the module address