Wir ing the ETM- 2040
Con trol Out puts
Use the wire nuts pro vided and the wiring scheme outlined in Table 1 to con nect
the ETM- 2040 base plate wires to the HVAC con trol/in ter face equip ment.
Make sure the wir ing is con nected prop erly to
prevent per ma nent dam age to the sys tem.
Table 1. ETM-2040 Wiring Scheme
1 White/Blue
Heat Stage 2
2 White
Heat Stage 1
3 White/Black
Module Communication (–)
4 White/Red
Module Communication (+)
5 Dark Blue
Heat/Cool Return (Transformer Power)
6 Yellow
Cool Stage 1
7 Orange
Cool Stage 2
8 White/Black/Green
Module Power (–)
9 White/Black/Red
Module Power (+), +24-VDC
10 Light Blue
Heating Stage 3 or Dampers
11 Green
12 Brown
Fan Status Input
13 White/Brown
Filter Status Input
Polarizing Key
15 Black
Status Return
16 Black
Status Return
17 Black
Module Communication (Shield)
18 Violet
Temperature Sensor (+)
19 Gray
Temperature Sensor (–)
DOC. #560075000 2/12/01
ETM-2040 Installation Instructions