Com mu ni ca tions Net work
Use a shielded 2- conductor ca ble (Belden 8761, No var WIR-1010, or equiva lent)
to con nect com mu ni ca tions be tween the ETM and the net work com mu ni ca tion
ter mi nals of the executive module. Use the fol low ing pro ce dure to make the
con nec tions at the ETM.
Con nect the plus (+) lead to the white/red wire.
Con nect the mi nus (–) lead to the white/black wire.
Con nect the shield to the black wire (see Ta ble 1, Mod ule
Com mu ni ca tion Shield).
Test ing the Wir ing
Be fore in stall ing the ETM- 2040 elec tron ics mod ule, use an ETM In ter face
Ana lyzer and the ETM- 2020 adapter ca ble to test the base plate for cor rect
wir ing. The ana lyzer tests for mod ule power and al lows man ual cy cling of the
ETM out puts. Instructions are provided with the analyzer and the adapter cable.
In stall ing the ETM- 2040
Elec tron ics
Be fore the elec tron ics are in stalled, make sure that the
base plate has been prop erly in stalled.
A hardware kit to be used during installation is shipped with the electronics. It
contains four screws and a hex key.
Set ting the Mod ule’s Ad dress
Lo cate the ad dress switches on the rear of the mod ule (see Fig ure 2). Each
mod ule re quires a unique ad dress for the executive module to iden tify it.
Ad dresses are as signed dur ing sys tem programming. Use the sys tem
con figu ra tion to find the ad dress of the ETM be ing in stalled.
DOC. #560075000 2/12/01
ETM-2040 Installation Instructions
Figure 2.
ETM address switch and connector