Conversion to LP / Propane
The furnace was shipped from the factory
equipped to operate on natural gas. Conversion
to LP / Propane gas must be performed by
qualifi ed service personnel using a factory
supplied conversion kit. Failure to use the
proper conversion kit can cause fi re, explosion,
property damage, carbon monoxide poisoning,
personal injury, or death.
Conversion to LP / Propane is detailed in the installation
instructions provided with the conversion kit. Generally,
this will require the replacement of the burner orifi ces
and the spring/stem assembly in the pressure regulator.
In the U.S. if installation is above 2,000 ft., refer to Table
10 (page 39) to determine the correct orifi ce size and
regulator pressure. See example below.
• Electrical connections must be in compliance with all
applicable local codes and with the current revision of
the National Electric Code (ANSI/NFPA 70).
• For Canadian installations the electrical connections
and grounding shall comply with the current Canadian
Electrical Code (CSA C22.1, and/or local codes).
Line Voltage Wiring
It is recommended that the line voltage (115 VAC) to
the furnace be supplied from a dedicated branch circuit
containing the correct fuse or circuit breaker for the furnace.
See Table 2 (page 19).
Installation Example
.................................................. 5,000 feet
Type of Gas:
.........................................Propane Gas
Input BTUH of Furnace:
................................ 80,000
From Table 10 , fi nd 5,000 and follow across the row, stop
at the 80,000 feet column. At fi rst stage, the manifold
pressure listed is 4.2, but at 2nd stage the pressure is
10.0. The listed orifi ce size is 56.
When conversion is complete, verify the manifold pressure
and input rate are correct as listed in the Tables. Approved
conversion kits are listed below:
• The United States LP / Propane Gas Sea Level and
High Altitude Conversion Kit (P/N 904914) is for LP /
Propane conversion in the United States at altitudes
between zero and 10,000 ft. above sea level.
follow the instructions provided with the kit
• The Canadian LP / Propane Gas Sea Level and
High Altitude Conversion Kit (P/N 904915) is for LP /
Propane conversions in Canada at altitudes between
zero and 4,500 ft. above sea level.
follow the
instructions provided with the kit
Failure to follow safety warnings exactly could
result in serious injury or property damage.
Improper servicing could result in dangerous
operation, serious injury, death or property
• Before servicing, disconnect all electrical
power to furnace.
• When servicing controls, label all wires prior
to disconnecting. Reconnect wires correctly.
• Verify proper operation after servicing.”
Le non-respect des avertissements de sécurité
pourrait entraîner un fonctionnement dangereux
de l’appareil, des blessures graves, la mort ou des
dommages matériels.
Un entretein incorrect pourrait entraîner un
fonctionnement dangereux de l’appareil, des
blessures graves, la mort ou des dommages
• Couper toute alimentation électrique au
générateur d’air chaud avant de prodéder
aux travaux d’entretein.
• Au moment de l’entretien des commandes,
étiquetez tous les fi ls avant de les débrancher.
S’assurer de les raccorder correctement.
• S ’ a s s u r e r q u e l ’ a p p a r e i l fo n c t i o n n e
adéquatement aprés l’entretien.