Note: Enable or disable buzzer only concern normal users operation, such as the sound of
opening door by read cards. When you press the * key for 2 seconds, the buzzer is forced to
enable, such as entering the management menu . In addition, the alarm tone is not controlled
by the setting, and the buzzer can still send an alarm tone when the buzzer disable.
4.1.21 Adjust key volume
55, 1, 1, ... , decrease volume.
55, 2, 2, ... , increase volume.
Note: The key volume can be adjusted at 15 levels. Each time you press the 1 key,
decrease 1level of volume, press the 1 keys do not move quickly and automatically decrease
the volume, when it has been adjusted to a minimum volume, "beep" twice, each time you press
the 2 key, increase 1 level of volume, press the 2 keys do not move quickly and automatically
increase the volume, when it have been adjusted to the maximum volume, "beep" twice.
4.1.22 Set reader output format
Set facility code
60, (0-255)#, default value is 0, set facility code.
Note: The facility code will be used when fingerprint ID output, See the following sections
for specific use.
Set D0 & D1 output format
61, 0#, D0 & D1 output wiegand format.
61, 1#, D0 output RS232-TTL-HEX format.
61, 2#, D0 output RS232-TTL-ASCII-8 format
61, 3#, D0 output RS232-TTL-ASCII-10 format.
Note: The wiegand format is an international protocol for access control products. But the
width of pulse and interval time are different. Our standard: Pulse’s high level is 5V and low
level is 0V. Width is 40uS,interval time is 2mS.
RS232-TTL-HEX format refers to the standard RS232 communication protocol data output,
TTL level 0-5V, the output data is output by the card byte HEX format.
The output RS232-TTL-ASCII-8 format is the output data is ASCII character format, card
number data is 8 bit format, and same as the ordinary EM card marked on the 8 bit card number,
but omit the 0 in front of it.
The output RS232-TTL-ASCII-10 format is the output data is ASCII character format, card
number data is 10 bit format, and same as the ordinary EM card marked on the 10 bit
Fingerprint Standalone
Access Control User Manual